Jack Elvin-Poole


Jack is a PhD student at the University of Manchester.

Jack works in the Large-Scale Structure group. He measures the clustering of galaxies to find the relationship between galaxy positions and dark matter. He also look at how the observing conditions of the survey impact the large-scale structure measurements.

Jack is the lead author of one of the 10 recently released papers on and in support of the DES cosmology results from the first year (Y1) of the survey.




We asked Jack a few more questions — here’s what he had do say:

What is your favorite space-related image, and why?

Any HST image that shows visible gravitational lensing. These were the first images of gravitational lensing I saw as an undergraduate and they definitely influenced my decision to enter cosmology.

Any advice for aspiring scientists?

Take classes in coding and statistics. These skills will serve you well both in science and in the real world.