We asked Eric a few more questions — here’s what he had to say:
What is your favorite part about being a scientist?
Two Things. Number one is the people I collaborate with. I work with an awesome team. Number two is the mindset scientists adopt. It’s all about rational conclusions, quantifying the Universe as objectively as possible. I take pride in following that model of thought.
What motivates / inspires you?
What is your favorite space-related image, and why?
This image (right) of galaxy cluster RXJ-2248. It’s my favorite, because it was part of the first major paper I contributed to in grad school. It brings back memories of that time. Fun fact: I made this image myself from the DES data.
What is your favorite book, movie, and/or TV show?
TV — Seinfeld is definitely the greatest show of all time. Half the things I say are Seinfeld quotes, and the people I’m talking too don’t realize it. I also love Parks & Rec. Leslie Knope would have to be my favorite fictional character — so much I identify with.
Any other fun facts we should know?
If you’d like to learn more about the science I’ve mentioned here, here’s a link to my website.
Any advice for aspiring scientists?
You don’t have to be a genius to be a scientist. I don’t even remotely fit that bill. Hard work goes a long way.