Public Engagement

Scientists in the Dark Energy Survey are dedicated to sharing the wonders of cosmology with everyone around the globe – and have fun doing it. 

If you would like to inquire about a presentation with a DES scientist, please contact us. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for announcements of public events in your area. 

The Art of Science

12794888_1137817946274815_5122494364917843776_oAs in more traditionally artistic pursuits, performing top-notch research in science often requires experience, curiosity and extreme attention to detail. Scientific results also often have an artistic nature. Many DES scientists are directly involved with artistic projects, from music and photography, to drawing and dance. From time to time, DES is directly involved with projects that reveal the art of nature through science. Some examples are linked below.


We believe it’s important to teach physics, cosmology, astronomy and other fields of science to develop scientific literacy in our communities and train the next generation of thinkers and wonderers.

Public Events

10911378_1071332109590066_7569353739555841709_oOur scientists regularly participate in public events around the globe to discuss the major questions in cosmology, like dark energy and dark matter. Here are a few recent events.

  • Adler After Dark: A dark energy-themed night of fun and science at Chicago’s Adler Planetarium
  • Public talks taking place during DES collaboration meetings.
  • Public talks to elementary school students in South Korea.
  • Discussing jobs in science at Career fairs in the UK.

Film and Media

bbc_horizonYou can find several interviews and presentations on television and radio featuring our scientists, like The Mystery of Dark Energy on BBC Horizons and The Nature of Dark Energy. Visit our Video Gallery for more.

Cities with DES Scientists

There are DES scientists in the cities and regions below who are interested in meeting with you. Contact us to get in touch with a scientist in your area.


Los Angeles Area, California
San Francisco Area, Calfornia
Chicago Area, Illinois
Columbus, Ohio
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Upton, New York
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
College Station, Texas


Munich, Germany
Madrid, Spain
Barcelona, Spain
Zurich, Switzerland
Cambridge, UK
Edinburgh, UK
London, UK
Manchester, UK
Nottingham, UK
Portsmouth, UK
Southampton, UK
Sussex UK

South America:

Sao Paulo, Brazil
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
La Serena, Chile


Sydney Area
Queensland Area