Our year 6 cosmology analysis of galaxy clustering and gravitational lensing is a massive effort from more than two hundred scientists. There will be over 20 interconnected papers in all.
Y6 Gold 2 2: The primary object catalog, containing our best magnitudes for all objects.
Y6 Shear: Describing in detail the measurement of gravitational weak-lensing shear on a large galaxy catalog
Y6 PSF: Describing in detail the measurement and characterization of the Point Spread Function (PSF) used to fit and measure objects in the DES Y6 releases and cosmology analyses.
Y6 Balrog: Description of the artificial object injection and re-detection and re-measurement of these injected objects against a background of Y6 catalog data. Used to characterize the detection efficiency and accuracy as a function of survey depth, crowding and other metrics.
We’ve released some of the Y6 Cosmology data products on this page: https://des.ncsa.illinois.edu/releases/y6a2/
For questions, you can email lead authors, or thedarkenergysurvey@gmail.com.
For a public-level overview of some of these papers, check out the the Darchives.